• My Supps Power Amino Liquid 1L Best Price in UAE
  • My Supps Power Amino Liquid 1L Best Price in Dubai

My Supps Power Amino Liquid 1L

AED 79.00
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  • My Supps Power Amino Liquid 1L

    When people speak of amino acids in relation to dietary supplements, the terms non-proteinogenic or proteinogenic amino acids are used.

    The body draws on proteinogenic amino acids in order to build up body tissue, while the non-proteinogenic amino acids are found more frequently in bodily fluids (e.g. Taurine, Beta Alanine).

    My Supps Power Amino Liquid delivers the important amino acids in a liquid form. This is intended to ensure that the body is better able to absorb and exploit the constituents.

    My Supps Power Amino Liquid is a protein hydrolysate. The porcine proteins were broken down in their constituent parts, the amino acids, by enzymatic reaction. Amino acids represent the basic building blocks for proteins and hence supply the body´s protein metabolism. My Supps Power Amino Liquid can therefore serve as a natural support and dietary supplement with protein-enhanced nutrition. Sufficient protein intake of should represent the basis for anyone wishing to build muscle mass. After all, nutritional proteins contribute to the growth of muscle mass.

    - Liquid amino acids

    - With BCAA

    - Plus vitamin B6


    Hyjiyastore is a best place to buy the My Supps Power Amino Liquid 1L in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, UAE, Middle East. Now shipping available to Doha - Qatar, KSA - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman in the GCC. Our customers keep on coming back the reason, we have best customer support service / Cash on Delivery and One Day Delivery in UAE.

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