• Muscleology Sledge Hammer (Pre Workout) 30 Serving Best Price in UAE
  • Muscleology Sledge Hammer (Pre Workout) 30 Serving Best Price in UAE

Muscleology Sledge Hammer (Pre Workout) 30 Serving

MSH-30S Available Flavors - Fruit Punch and Pineapple
AED 105.00
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  • Muscleology Sledge Hammer (Pre Workout) 30 Serving

    Smooth Energy & Power: Enough Caffeine But Not “Too Much”

    SLEDGEHAMMER contains 250mg of caffeine per dose, which for most athletes is enough to get you going but not too much to make you feel like jumping out of your skin! These days most pre-workouts contain 300-450mg of caffeine, which for many caffeine sensitive individuals is far too much. SLEDGEHAMMER was formulated with a precise amount of caffeine and focus ingredients for a smooth, sustained and powerful energy kick for your training sessions.

    When it’s time to take your training performance to the next level smart athletes know the difference between a stimulant based pre-training formula and a “true” pre-training formula that helps to propel your muscle performance to fullest potential!

    SLEDGEHAMMER versatility is impressive and can be used for many purposes such as:

    • An everyday training and workout performance
    • As a pre-game performance booster prior to competition
    • Before cardio or weight training
    • Can be stacked with other caffeine free supplements

    SLEDGEHAMMER Delivers Ingredients to Support All-Around Workout Performance:

    • Beta-Alanine
    • Alpha-GPC
    • Agmatine Sulfate
    • AAKG (Arginine Alpha-Keto Glutarate)
    • PEAK-02
    • L-Carnitine
    • N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine
    • Energy & Endurance Co-Factors
    • Nitric Oxide (NO) Amplifiers

    Suggested Use:

    Mix one scoop in 8-16 oz of water and consume prior to workouts. Stack with CATEGORY 5, CARNITINE or SUPER 8 for more dramatic results.



    Hyjiyastore is a best place to buy the Muscleology Sledge Hammer (Pre Workout) 30 Serving in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, UAE, Middle East. Now shipping available to Doha - Qatar, KSA - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman in the GCC. Our customers keep on coming back the reason, we have best customer support service / Cash on Delivery and One Day Delivery in UAE.

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