Points Pay Payment

Now you can spend or collect your favorite miles and points when shopping online

Whenever you use PointsPay as your payment option with participating online shops, you have the freedom to :

  • Save your money and use your loyalty points for your online purchase.
  • Keep your points and collect more of them when paying your purchase with money.

How it works

1.Browse and shop as usual in your favourite online shop.

2. Choose PointsPay as your payment method when finalizing your order.

3. Log in with your program credentials and choose whether to spend or collect miles and points with your purchase.

Sign up for these advantages

  • Your own secure personal account for free
  • Detailed view and control of your transactions
  • Easy access to all of your programs and points balances
  • Friendly customer support to answer all your questions
  • News about loyalty programs and online shops joining
  • Exclusive offers and promotions
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